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Do you want more energy, be more productive,
and have the confidence to enjoy life again?
How You Can Sleep Great And Have More Energy and Mental Clarity In 90 Days
Here's What You'll Notice Once You Start The 90-Day Sleep Diet...

Feel better about your body image and have more self-confidence and not be insecure...

Have a stronger immune system to better fight off colds and viruses and bounce back quickly...

Have more quality deep sleep so that you’ll have better memory and be able to stay focused...

Feel less stress and not be moody or irritable all the time...

Have a better sex life with your significant other...

Have less arthritis and joint pain to be able to run around with your children or grandchildren... 

Fall asleep easier and not keep waking up at night to urinate... 

Food tastes better, and you’ll have less cravings for sugary or fatty food... 

Have much more energy, be more productive, and enjoy much more of life again... 

Lower your risk of developing cancer, as well as to have better outcomes with treatment...

What You'll Learn Inside The 90-Day Sleep Diet Course...

What Others Have Experienced...

"Best sleep apnea doctor in the US. I did his online sleep diet course. Massive amounts of info on sleep apnea were provided. I highly recommend it." 

                                                      Joe Skwara  


"It’s been just two weeks [since the coaching] and my husband is a new man. 30% of his symptoms have been resolved. He’s eager to knock out the rest of Dr. Park’s game plan over the next two months. It’s so wonderful to see my husband positive and excited to take control of his health." 


                                                        Rekha R.

 "Amazing how 20+ years of sleep deprivation can impact you. Dr. Park and his staff gave me a new lease life. I no longer suffer from the multitude of health problems I used to. I no longer struggle to focus and have clarity in thought. I have an incredible amount of energy and don’t miss those days where I felt I could fall asleep right where I stood at the time. Even my relationships with my family, friends, coworkers, etc. have improved because I am no longer constantly exhausted and irritable."

                                                Helju Nommik  

“I thought I knew a fair amount about sleep, OSA, et al. Then I read this book. It should be required reading for all sleep professionals, and all those with sleep problems. Dr. Park is that rara avis, a medical professional willing to dig deep, very deep, to get at the root of the problem. He knows he is in the minority, too, and chides the medical community for being close-minded. That is the power of this book. Since compliance with treatment modalities is an issue, overcoming that hurdle can improve, and even save lives. Hats off to Dr. Park. A must-read.” (Amazon book review)

                                                           John S. 

"Sleeping better. Eating healthier. More aware of the toxins in the environment." 

                                          Jessica Chapman 

 "Dr. Park’s diagnosis of my laryngo- pharyngeal acid reflux changed my life. Dr. Park said that my case wasn’t severe enough to start on medication and he was confident that I could beat it by modifying my diet. I completely changed my diet and my way of life. I lost almost 20 lbs and I feel amazing! The overall quality of my life is 180% better! I have everlasting energy that is not dependent on coffee or sweets and I have my high notes again. I’m eternally grateful for Dr. Park’s advice and I recommend him to anyone who needs an ENT. Thank you, Dr. Park!" 

                                              Michelle Manzo

“As I began to read Dr. Park's informative and practical book, I had the feeling that I was reading a personal letter addressed to me from the doctor. It seemed that he knew exactly of the struggles and frustration that people with obstructive sleep apnea or upper airway resistance syndrome experience on a daily basis. Moreover, his insights on the Sleep-Breathing Paradigm are nothing short of profound. Yet in addition to the medical analysis, the book is highly practical as well and I implemented several of his suggestions on the first night. Dr. Park delves into the causes, anatomy, and consequences of unrefreshing sleep in an easy to read, yet detailed style. Anyone struggling with poor quality sleep will benefit from reading this book. I know that I did.”                                                         

                                                            J. Noah

Here's Everything You Get...
Plus, I'm Throwing In 10 FREE Bonuses Worth Over $220
Frequently Asked Questions
    Although not the main focus of this course, losing weight is the natural consequence of sleeping better, eating healthier, and stress reduction.

    Like any health or fitness resource, it depends on a number of different factors. Your dedication and devotion to applying as many of the steps recommended is the most important one. With any program, results will vary, since everyone is different. As with any new health regimen, make sure to check with your doctor to make sure that it's safe to implement the methods in this course.
    A large cup of Starbucks Frappuccino coffee can cost almost $5. Drinking this 5 times per week for 4 weeks is $125/mo. Skip the expensive coffee with possible unhealthy ingredients and you can save $375 over 90 days.

    If you do nothing, there are many places where you'll spend much more time or money due to health issues or loss of productivity. Think of it as an investment not only in your health, but also in your life.
    I tell my patients that the time you set aside for sleep is the most important appointment of your day. Similarly, prioritizing time for your health is just as important.

    This course will require about 1 to 2 hours every week for preparation, live or video interaction, and worksheet activities. The additional time you spend may not be that significant, since many of these steps are habit or mindset changes, rather than physical activities. However, other components do require some time investment.

    As you go through the course, there's no "one size fits all" approach, since everyone has different needs and I encourage adjusting your regimen to suit your needs.
    You should be able to access your course instantly after making payment. You'll also receive an email with a confirmation of registration and a link to access your course online, as well for your free bonuses.
    If you are not satisfied with the information I provided or not satisfied for any reason, I will gladly refund your payment with my no-hassle 30-day guarantee. I only ask that you provide a reason why you're requesting a refund and give me your honest suggestions for what I can do better.
    Only the audio files and transcripts of the main course can be downloaded. All the bonus material PDFs are downloadable.
    This course integrates Dr. Park's sleep-breathing paradigm principles into a holistic approach to losing weight naturally. Not addressing this issue thoroughly will lead to a persistent stress response, which hinders any weight loss. This course will also take you much beyond conventional sleep hygiene recommendations.
    You can always contact us directly via email at info@healthwise-media.com. We will respond within 24 hours.
    The information in this course is to be viewed as educational material only and not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health, dietary or exercise regimen.
My 30-Day 100% Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee!

I'm confident that you will find something in this e-book that will help you breathe better, sleep better, or improve your overall state of health. If you are not satisfied for any reason, please let me know, and I will gladly refund you at any time within 30 days of purchase. All I ask of you is to give me honest feedback on what I can do better to improve this e-0book for others in the future.

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  • Total payment
  • 1x90-Day Sleep Diet Course$99

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